The Sarnia Chris Hadfield Airport is owned by the City of Sarnia and operated by Scottsdale Aviation Inc. The Airport has ample parking to accommodate all departing passengers. An automated parking meter is located inside the Terminal Building where passengers can pay for their desired length of stay. Passengers must obtain their parking space number before leaving the lot. Fees are $1.00 per hour, $6.00 per day or $40.00 per month (30 days). Schedules and fares can be obtained for the Air Canada website ( All flights operated by Air Georgian Ltd. Reservations can be made at the Air Canada website or by calling 1-888-247-2262. Arrivals and Departures 1-888-422-7533; Baggage 1-888-689-2247: Cargo 519-542-4343.
Hours: Airport Hours for flights: - 5:00 am to 11:00 pm. Airport Administration: Mon. to Fri. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.