Grand Bend Sport Parachuting Center

Sky Diving

Grand Bend Sport Parachuting Center is the only skydiving school in southwestern Ontario.

Our beginners do a genuine freefall skydive (accompanied by two instructors) on their first jump. Video and still photography of the skydive is available. This type of skydive is far more challenging than the typical “tandem” skydive offered elsewhere. Doing a first skydive this way is certainly more of an accomplishment.

Since the beginner will be expected to carry out many procedures, there is a training session required. Advance bookings are necessary for the course, offered most weekends and some weekdays. It is possible to skydive the same day or weekend as the course if the weather permits. Beginners must be in good shape, not overweight and between the ages of 16 and 69.

Phone: 519-238-8610
Toll Free: 800-363-JUMP