Fleetwood Mac Mania is a stunning visual and musical tribute to one of the most iconic and successful bands of our time. The harmonies, instrumentation and on-stage chemistry has impressed and captivated audiences from coast-to-coast. Fleetwood Mac Mania has earned the reputation of being the most authentic sounding Fleetwood Mac tribute band in North America, and have played for audiences of up to 18,000 people. Each veteran player in this world-class tribute band brings their spirit to re-create with incredible accuracy, the look and feel of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks.
Band members Jenn Taylor (Stevie Nicks), Connie Scriver (Christine McVie) and Jeremy Stimers (Lindsey Buckingham) – capture the harmonies and front-line chemistry with passion and commitment. Incredible percussionist/drummer Eddie Cromwell holds down the signature Mick Fleetwood style and sound.